Hi 👋🏻 I’m Andrew.
I am a people-driven, creative, impactful leader, developer, and teacher with more than 15 years of experience helping others succeed with technology.
I have broad experience in data analytics, data governance, cloud platforms, software development, and education, and an established record of leading the delivery of solutions to complex technology problems that advance business objectives and delight customers.

Open Enrollment
Noble Research Institute
I led the development effort for Noble's internally-built Open Enrollment app that allowed employees to:
- Edit personal information
- Add and mangage dependents
- View and change enrollment elections
- Receive important follow-up notifications about their enrollment status

Materials Inventory
Noble Research Institute
I led the development of a biological materials inventory management system that enabled Noble's research staff to:
- Manage biological material inventory entries
- Upload attachments
- Search for materials in the database

Research Data Management System
Noble Research Institute
I contributed server-side code adjustments, and co-developed the file management features of Noble's Research Data Management System that allowed research staff to:
- Create and manage projects
- Create and manage experiments within projects
- Upload and share results from processing samples

Jr. Beef
Noble Research Institute
I led the development of Noble's first native iOS app called Jr. Beef. This app enabled high school students who participated in Noble's annual steer raising competition to:
- Create records of steers
- Record steer weights over time
- Log health and feeding events
- Add journal entries describing important notes and observations
- Review a steer's performance

Express Chiropractic
Bancroft Innovations and Technology Solutions
My business partner and I created a cross-platform mobile app for Express Chiropractic to enhance the overall customer experience for their practice members. The app enabled people to:
- Choose a home location
- Check if the location is currently open or closed before heading out the door
- View the location's regular weekly scheduled hours and any changes in the regular schedule
- Receive important announcements from clinics via push notification

Express Chiropractic Admin
Bancroft Innovations and Technology Solutions
My business partner and I built a back-end admin panel to allow Express Chiropractic employees to:
- Customize text and images that the mobile app displays
- Manage regular weekly scheduled hours
- Make changes in schedule
- Send push notifications to clients

10 Read 10 Said
Bancroft Innovations and Technology Solutions
One of the first apps I built for myself as a way to facilitate the "10 Read 10 Said" memorization strategy:
- Enter text to memorize
- Read the text out loud 10 times while looking at it
- Say the text again out loud 10 times without looking
Data & Analytics

US Beef Cattle Operations Dashboard
Noble Research Institute
In my role as Principal Data Architect, I created several dimensional models using data from the US Census of Agriculture and presented intuitive, query-able data sets to our product and marketing teams to assist in their outreach efforts to our nation's farmers and ranchers. This is an example of one of the "starter" dashboards I created for them.
Skill Assessments

I co-developed assessment questions and performed technical review for Pluralsight's Skill IQ platform covering the following iOS and Swift development topics:
- Using the Xcode IDE
- Building user interfaces with SwiftUI
- Building user interfaces with UIKit
- Persisting data in an application
- Adding push notofications to an application
- Testing an app with unit and UI tests
- Publishing an app to the App Store
- Storing data in memory
- Controlling program flow
- Working with functions
- Implementing custom types
- Defining instance and type methods
- Handling errors
- Writing asynchronous and parallel code
- Using higher-order functions

I co-developed assessment questions and performed technical review for Pluralsight's Skill IQ platform covering the following Vue 3 topics:
- Crating and configuring a Vue application
- Registering and rendering components
- Implementing component reactivity
- Handling and emitting events
- Using built-in directives
- Passing data between components
- Working with built-in components
- Reusing functionality with mixins and composables
- Routing requests with vue-router
- Managing state with Pinia

I co-developed assessment questions and performed technical review for Pluralsight's Skill IQ platform covering the following SolidJS topics:
- Setting up a SolidJS project
- Building user interfaces with components
- Adding interactivity to a SolidJS application
- Working with lifecycle methods
- Implementing reactive utilities
- Using stores and their utilities
- Using component APIs
- Using secondary primitives
- Implementing rendering in a SolidJS application
- Using reactive control flow
- Using special Javascript Syntax Extension (JSX) attributes